Three House Plants I Promise You Won't Kill

Three House Plants I Promise you Won't Kill

Let me guess, you don’t have a good track record with indoor house plants? You forget about them and later find them brown, crisp, wilted…and…well…dead. BUT, you have a desire to be a better plant mom. You wish you could have a few green babies in your home that thrive, but know you need to start with something low maintenance if this is going to work. Right? I’ve got you!

I’m nearly three years into my journey and have found the three plants below to be the simplest to care for. So let’s get to it.

01. Snake Plant

Snake Plant |  3 House Plants I Promise You Won't Kill | Laurenda Marie Blog

Snake plants! The epitome of easy. They’re beautiful, tall, and trendy, and nearly impossible to kill. The Snake plant, or Sansevieria plant, requires very little attention. In fact, you could likely forget about this one for over a month and it would THRIVE.

Snake Plant Care

The snake plant doesn’t require a lot of light, so if you wanted to fill a darker space with something green, this is your plant. They just need to a little indirect light to survive so if there is a window somewhere in the room, you’ll be golden. However, it is tolerant of most lighting conditions so near a window would be fine too. They will adapt to their environment quite well.

A watering schedule of once a month is what the snake plant prefers! The soil likes to dry out between feedings. Easy enough, right? That’s why it’s #1 on my list for easiest house plants! The snake plant we have in our bedroom pictured above is fairly large, but you can buy them less mature for atop of a counter or shelf.

02. Philodendron & Pothos

Philodendron |  3 House Plants I Promise You Won't Kill | Laurenda Marie Blog

I’m grouping the Philodendron and Pothos together as one, because they are so similar in appearance and care! Pictured above is my Philodendron. These plants are fun because of their draping vine-like leaves. Perfect for a floating shelf, atop a book case, or in a plant hanger to showcase its flowing beauty.


The Pothos and Philo will thrive in lower light conditions like the snake plant, but are tolerant of brighter light too. We have one in our basement, very far from a window where light is minimal at best, and it’s doing very well. They are wonderful at adapting to their environment - another reason why they are difficult to kill. :)

Erratic watering is acceptable. Forget to water your Pothos or Philo for an entire week? No problem. They will likely be just fine! Let the soil dry in-between each watering to make them the happiest! Use your moisture meter to determine how much water your soil is or is not retaining so you know when it’s time. You definitely don’t want to over-water this variety!

03. ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant |  3 House Plants I Promise You Won't Kill | Laurenda Marie Blog

The ZZ plant or, Zamioculcas Zamifolia, is RESILIENT!!! It will grow & multiply rapidly. I purchased one just over a year ago, placed on a table near a window. My ZZ nearly tripled in size. It grew so outrageously I was able to split and re-pot into three separate plants!


Their stalks and root structure are thick and retain water, so it doesn’t require regular waterings - about once a week is sufficient! Do let the soil dry out between each watering to prevent root rot. They favor lots of indirect light, so if you’re looking for a plant to put on a table near a window, go grab yourself a ZZ!

Check out my post Four Simple House Plant Tips for Beginners for some additional house plant wisdom.

Feeling a little more hopeful? You’ve got this!! Start with one of these easy-to-care-for plants above to build your confidence. I bet you’ll be adding more green babies to your home in no time when you discover you CAN DO THIS TOO.

Questions?? Comment below! I love responding to my readers!